“Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center” Opens at the Katonah Museum of Art

New Exhibition Features More Than 100 Artists and Includes Traditional and Unexpected Approaches to the Art of Collage To celebrate the art of collage – Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center – will open at the Katonah Museum of Art on June 30 through October 13.

Remix is co-curated by North Salem, NY native, Pavel Zoubok, founder and artistic director of the International Collage Center (ICC), and Rachael Lawe, director of the ICC. The exhibition weaves the narrative of collage through the history of modern and contemporary art featuring work created during the last 80 years by more than 100 artists. Traditional forms of collage are used, as well as unexpected approaches in a range of media. Remix promises to expand and enrich public perceptions of collage. “Collage is such a familiar medium, so Remix will be an experience that we can all appreciate without having a deep knowledge of art,” said Ellen Keiter, curator of contemporary art at the Katonah Museum of Art. “Collage is part of our everyday lives, starting with learning to cut and paste at a very young age,” she added. “In fact, we live in a collage world — we create our own personal collages on Facebook and Pinterest. Even how we dress is a collage; a mixing-and-matching of materials, styles, and accessories. This is an exhibition that will resonate with anyone and everyone.”

The exhibition categorizes the works in seven thematic sections: Collage, Poetry, Text and Language including works by Tony Fitzpatrick and Ray Johnson; Collage as an Extension of Painting, featuring pieces by Melissa Meyer and Ron Erhlich; Collage as a Form of Resistance, including works by Radcliffe Bailey, Romare Bearden, Mary Beth Edelson and Miriam Schapiro; Collage and the Archival Impulse, with works by Barton Lidice Benes, Joseph Cornell, and Kurt Schwitters; Collage and the Constructed World, including works by Josh Dorman and Addie Herder; Collage, Materiality, Process and Scale, with works by Nick Cave, Matthew Cusick, Lisa Hoke and Judy Pfaff; and Collage in the Digital Age, including video collages by Takeshi Murata and Mark Napier. “The exhibition features exquisite craftsmanship and a range of materials, from the immediately recognizable, like pencils and newspapers, to more unusual sources like antique maps and dried rose petals,” said Keiter. “There is an intimacy to these pieces – you can see the artist’s hand at work.”

Coined in the early 20th century from the French word “coller,” meaning to glue or stick, the term “collage” originally described a revolutionary method of art-making. Over time its definition has expanded to represent an approach to and perception of the modern world. The 100 artists featured in the exhibition utilize collage’s core conceptual traits—heterogeneity, fragmentation, and appropriation—to address with clarity and immediacy the circumstances of their time. Remix explores the impact of collage on artistic and cultural expression and gathers together the diverse fragments of a rich artistic tradition.

The Katonah Museum of Art will feature special events, workshops, and activities that complement the art of collage and the Remix exhibition: including Remix Gallery Talks with Artists and Curators, Personal Journeys Collage Workshop, Collage Artists Studio Tour in Manhattan and Brooklyn, Tuesdays for Tots and Art Adventures: Mix It Up!

“Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center” Opens at the Katonah Museum of Art – June 30, 2013

For more information visit: www.katonahmuseum.org 

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