Picture This! Saturday Story Time at the Katonah Museum of Art


The Doctor is in the House! With Special Guest Reader, Pediatrician Dr. Allison Nied

Join Dr. Allison Nied, local pediatrician with the Mount Kisco Medical Group, to hear warm stories about doctors and their brave patients. Listen to Lions Aren’t Scared of Shots, Llama Llama Home with Mama, and The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor among other great picture books.

After the reading, examine real medical instruments with Dr. Nied, then visit the Learning Center to create your own paper medicine bag to fill with colorful instruments.

Picture This! Saturday Story Time is a FREE event.

Katonah Museum of Art
Address: 134 Jay Street,
Katonah, NY 10536
Telephone: 914-232-9555
Website: http://www.katonahmuseum.org

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